
Friday, January 22, 2010

Ragu Napolitana

~Casolaro Family: Ragu Napoletano runs through our veins!~

Ragu Napoletano
This is the sauce I grew up on and I believe it runs through my veins! My Father is from Naples and my Mother's family is as well so I feel it was my God given birthright ;) I remember this being on the stove top cooking all day Sunday and sneaking into the kitchen dipping pieces of bread into it, by the time supper was ready I must have already consumed a whole loaf of bread!
2 large cans (28-32 oz.) of Italian Plum tomatoes (San Marzano are the best!) crushed or whole tomatoes that have been crushed in a blender slightly using the pulse button OR squeezed by hand OR use an immersion blender straight in the pot
olive oil enough to coat bottom of pan
1 Tablespoon chopped or grated garlic
1 medium onion chopped
fresh parsley torn
fresh basil leaves torn
dried oregano-1 teaspoon
2/3 cup white wine
Salt & fresh ground pepper
OPTIONAL: If you have a small rind from Parmesan (I freeze them) add one when you add the tomatoes and then remove at the end, this adds so much flavor!
Meat: My Mom would use pigs feet and chunks of beef, My Dad would use braciole, meatballs, and or chunks of a pork-butt, I use braciole, meatballs, and sometimes sausage, use what you have but this is not the time to use a great cut of meat it is for more of the less tender cuts that need a longer cooking time. My friend Roxie uses ground beef and sausage. I even had a friend that put a whole cut up chicken in her ragu!
Heat oil and large pinch of salt in a heavy bottomed pot
Add onion and saute until translucent
Add garlic and lightly cook (do not brown) add oregano and stir (This is known as a Soffritto)
Add meat and brown
Add wine and cook for a few seconds
Add tomatoes, salt, pepper, and herbs
Cover and simmer for several hours
near the end simmer with lid removed for atleast 30 minutes. The more you cook it with lid off the thicker it becomes. If it still too liquidy just simmer with the lid removed for more time.
At the end add a little more fresh basil and parsley and a tablespoon of butter.
To Serve Italian Style
Remove meat and cut up meats and or sausage into slices or small chunks, you will serve the meat on a separate platter. Use the sauce for some spaghetti and lots of Parmesan and bread to soak up the sauce!
“Among the liveliest of my memories are those of eating and drinking ; and I would sooner give up some of my delightful remembered walks, green trees, cool skies, and all, than to lose my images of suppers eaten on Sabbath evenings at the end of those walks.”
Mary Antin, 'The Promised Land' (1912)

1 comment:

Grazie! I will try and answer any questions you have via a comment.