
Friday, September 3, 2010

Caffé Fréddo (Iced Coffee)

 Caffe Freddo will always remind me of my Father! Growing up I was a Daddy's girl and one of our favorite things to do together was sip on iced coffees while we watched re-runs of Dirty Harry, Six Million Dollar Man, Baretta, and Kojak on the weekends. About halfway through the show my Dad would slip out and come back with iced coffees in these big bulky beer mugs he would keep in the freezer. Although the drink was slightly bitter for my young taste buds I drank it up like a milkshake because I liked the feeling of  impressing my Daddy with my grown up pallet! Forget a glass of coke or even iced tea because there is nothing like an icy cold glass of  syrupy bittersweet  “essence” of coffee on a hot day to hit the spot and help get you going. We just stared having a small group meet in our home each week and since it has been such a Hot Summer we started offering our friends (Thanks Bob for the suggestion!) Caffe Freddo  instead of the more typical hot cup of  coffee.
My Daddy & Me!

Ingredients (Serves 2)
1/2 cup espresso or strongly brewed coffee- (This is a 2 cup espresso pot) 
2 tablespoons sugar
1 cup ice cubes
OPTIONAL FOR LATTE VERSION: 1/4 cup half-&-half or milk or cream
OPTIONAL FOR FESTIVE VERSION: 1 tablespoon liqueur such as: Amaretto (almond), Frangelico (hazelnut), Godiva (chocolate), or Grand Marnier (orange)
First put some ice in a glass and place in freezer to chill while you are brewing the espresso.

Brew the espresso.
Right away pour the hot espresso into a heat proof glass (measuring cup) and add the sugar stirring or whisking to dissolve completely. Add a few ice cubes to chill.

Pour into the iced glasses.

You can serve it just like this (This was my dad's version) or  proceed to the next step for a creamy latte version!

Add the milk or cream and stir vigorously. Now is when you add the liqueur if you choose to use it.
Pour into  2 medium glasses ( Iced tea goblets are perfect) and serve just like this or with some whipped cream on top if you like!

Italian Notes:
In Italy they serve "caffè freddo," in their espresso bars but it is slightly different as it is straight espresso, sweetened, and kept in a freezer. Then it is served as an icy slush, similar to a granita only slushier!


  1. You brought back so many memories with this recipe. Mille grazie, Ann!

  2. One of my favorite things in life! I never tired of iced coffee. Love your photos too.

  3. I love that you were a Daddy's girl! I also love that you liked to impress him with your grown-up pallet! SO adorable! My girlies do that with their Daddy too! (like when they wear their jersey's & cheer LOUDLY for the Dallas Cowboys with him when I know they might rather be doing something else!) : ) I love how you write, I could almost see you both sipping on your yummy drinks watching re-runs together! It's sounds delicious, I'm going to try making it! Love you sweet friend! : )

  4. Iced coffee, looks absolutely lovely. All we need in the UK is weather warm enough to warrant drinking it. :)


Grazie! I will try and answer any questions you have via a comment.