
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Our 18th Anniversary

We just celebrated our 18th anniversary and I feel like the most blessed woman around! I know that the love my husband Chris and I share has come directly from God and I am so very thankful He chose to save us and then to bring us together.
For our anniversary this year we chose to have a "stay-cation" and used the allotted hotel money to buy Kindle Fires! But the fact that we stayed in doesn't mean we didn't celebrate, our son Ryan went and stayed at our married children's homes for the weekend--we are so blessed to have such godly and selfless children and their spouses--  and we played on our Kindle Fires each ordering 2 books, watched a few movies, ate some yummy Italian Antipasto, and drank some luxurious Italian wine. We also used some gift cards we saved from our favorite restaurant The Lazy Goat. 
I ordered my favroite The Lazy Paella and Chris ordered some Branzino and we both enjoyed a nice bottle of Spanish wine.

.........I feel so very blessed : )


  1. Congratulations on 18 years and hoping you have 18 more.

  2. Happy belated anniversary! What a sweet celebration of love!


Grazie! I will try and answer any questions you have via a comment.